Developed originally by Geoff Haslehurst & Omnitronics of Perth, Western Australia. The original Quasar lasertag system became commercially available in the late 1980's / early 1990's
Unfortunately very few pictures exist of the very first Quasar MK 1 system. The original system went through a number of revisions during the 1980's / 1990's manufacuring. The last & most popular version was the MK 5 system (as pictured above)
Pictured above is a screen shot taken from the original DOS based PC control software. By today's standards the software had various limitations. However back in its day, it was considered to be "streets ahead of its time"
Originally players' score sheets were printed on a simple parallel port dot-matrix printer. Score sheets are 'tractor' fed through the printer, then separated by means of pre-cut perforations. (Similar to invoice sheet printouts :-) )
The team scores & remaining game time are displayed on simple large LED 7-Segment display panels. This part of the system has changed very little. The new Quasar Elite system utilises the same scoreboard & timer circuitry. The only differences being the LED's which are now made up of ultra-bright diodes. RED SCORE, YELLOW TIMER, BLUE SCORE
Looking back is nothing new. Fashion repeats trends all the time. It seems that people can suffer from, or maybe basking in, a sort of tech nostalgia. Many parents of children today remember playing Quasar back in their younger days! Most only realise the game they were once familiar with when they see the logo, or name. However Quasar has changed drastically in this day & age. Fortunately we are lucky enough to still have a perfectly functioning red & green team retro Quasar system! This system is suitable for player aged 12 years or older. You will even be able to experience REAL green team laser beams with this system !!